Master brake cylinder leaking


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I repaired my master brake cylinder some time ago and noticed that it still leaks, but now through the weep hole. I took it apart once again and noticed a diagonal groove in the wider part of the cylinder bore.
Is that groove supposed to be there?
I have a hard time determining if it's a damage or intentional, because it's straight and I can't imagine how such a grove would occur. If not a previous owner was ungentle with it at some point.
That should not be there. Someone probably pried the seals out with a pointed instrument at some point.
>noticed a diagonal groove in the wider part of the cylinder bore

I agree that it's odd to have a groove there, and am also puzzled whether it was created by the improper use of a sharp tool, put there intentionally by ATE, or is a manufacturing defect.

But either way, I'm not sure a groove there would cause a leak. If the defect was in the smaller/longer part of the bore, they sure, it would leak. But I don't think the wider part of the bore is exposed to fluid. I'm guessing that your leak is coming from further forward in the cylinder.

Regardless of the location or cause of the leak, a new MC is probably a good idea.
I had 2 of them dismantled last week and that groove definitely wasn't there.

I believe it will cause a leak, because that area will be full of zero pressure fluid at all times. Imagine what happens when you press the brake pedal, the hole that let fluid get in front of the piston is now behind the piston. So that the excess fluid can get back out when you release the brake, there's a larger hole just behind that one back to the reservoir.
Thanks guys, I decided to go for a new one from W&N and put this one on the shelf.