Metric water temp


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Howdy Coupsters,

Say, I have a Euro car w/ a metric water gauge reading 105 Celcius.
Is that a good working temp, my brother's CS runs at 190 to 205 Ferenheit.

I think they're very close (equivilant) and is it a 'good temp', true??

'70 2800cs....a manipulated Euro.
105 C is 221 F -- that's a little high for normal operating temp. The normal range is 180 F to 200 F, so roughly 82 C to 94 C.

thanks for the reply.

Suggestions for bringing the temp down beyond checking the coolant level? Appears to have a new radiator and 9-blade fan set-up

any additives/quick-fix's/tips that I could do for the two-hour maiden journey home this weekend? (heater unit has been removed entirely)

These old engines alway run hot so it is possible the you are seeing 105C; however, at this temperature your cooling system should be very pressurized because you are well past boiling. You might want to use a standard thermometer (kitchen type) to take a more accurate reading when the engine is running and hot. I would measure by placing the thermometer on the thermostat housing for a few minutes.

If you are running at 105C you should probably try and figure out why and fix it. It could be a pressure leak but at this temperature it would boil away pretty fast. It could be the thermostat, clogged radiator, or the completely under-designed 5 blade fan and fan clutch. The most ugly possibility is a cracked head.

Are you loosing coolant over time?

... I had never thought of Celcius as metric but I supose it fits. :p
Suggestions for drive:

1. Check to see if temperature is really high - it may not be.
2. Carry several gallons of water with you just in case.

Good luck.
Before I put my car in the body shop... it was running a little hot. It was running about the same as your car. I got a new thermostat, water pump, fan, fan clutch-constant turning type-how it was done-I do NOT know-but nice-BUT makes it (Fan clutch/thermostat) go out faster, and last but not least, an Euro 635 oil cooler. Car ran nice and cool. It may just be a mental thing with me, BUT, seems to run a bit stronger too. HTH! Take care!
