Mobile Tradition and some 328s


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Bay Area, USA
Happened to be in Rome last night at the end of my Italy trip, and the Mille Miglia was stopping in town. Saw some great Ferraris, had a drink with a couple of Irish guys that had a driven an old Rover in what sounded like a lot of different rallys.

And saw some guys standing in the middle of the street in front of my hotel wearing BMW Classic jackets, so went to talk to them. Turns out they were all from Mobile Tradition in Munich, and were waiting for the 10 pre-war 328s doing the rally to drive by and park directly in front of us.

Spoke to them for 10-15 minutes. One of them was in charge of part availability and said he was looking into ways for those of us in the US to get more E9 parts available.

Vid of some of the 328s:
Update! Literally as I was posting this, all of the 328s (and the BMW support team) drove past under my window at the hotel and made a great sound. Unfortunately I wasn't quite quick enough with the camera.
Really - what could be better than having a drink in Rome with the Mille Miglia passing by?