Well here is my view…what’s its worth
I has my aluminium re done,but it was bright finish – and some of it came out great ,some of it was crap… and I went to town on getting it right…
The steering wheel has been satin anodized and the only way to get it something like would be to get the anodizing stripped off and then the wheel would have to be polished to get rid of the corrosion, after polishing you would then have to put on the brushing finish…. However, you may find that using sand paper of the right grit will do the job without the polishing… but you need to strip the anodizing off first...
You will have to polish or sand deep and cannot always get all of the corrosion out of the aluminium, as you may have to go deep.
Once polished and or sanded, you needed to take the wheel to the anodizers within a few days, as aluminium starts to corrode quite quickly.
I would then get the wheel satin finished as the original, and satin finish is more forgiving than bright finish.
However, if there is any corrosion left in the wheel, and it’s hard to spot, the anodizing over the corrosion comes out milky- see my pictures of my results- but don’t forget satin finish is more forgiving.
Hope it helps
this is what I had......... before
this what what I got after all the work - you can see the pit marks - they could not polish any deeper
Again the side trims - on close inspection, they have pit marks and I ended up getting all new ones, infact I ended getting all new inc the B posts as well as they came out ok but not perfect.....
The only ones im keeping are the internal ones and they came out very good.....
Hope it helps