Munich evolution


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Bahston (Boston)
Saw a FB post by our Scott Crater about some possible criminal activity out there.

So sorry to hear about it. Fingers across they catch the jerks.


PS: have you done any events with Wes Hill (Pro3 BMW racing)? He and I worked a couple corporate events this past month ASM he mentioned he knew you.
Hi John

Yes, sadly some piece of scum came in the building and it was obviously a targeted theft, as they went straight for the guitar and while they also stole the Pebble Beach trophy, I have to believe, that was just shiny object they saw on the way out the window, maybe thought because it was Pebble Beach it might have been silver. Nothing else was rifled through or disturbed, besides the large window they broke to get in and out.

My building is extremely secure and you cant see in. Therefore, I have no doubt this was somebody who had been in my building for a visit to see the collection, which only happens when its club visit etc unless I know people personally - in January I had two clubs visit, both charity events raising money for the BMW CCA Foundation. I do remember two guys seemed overly interested in the guitar, but I have never met them before and when I asked " any questions guys" they looked at each other and were like "no" and walked out of the building. Sadly, while it stood out to me at the time, I had no reason to think especially about it, so cant remember which group it was.

The part that makes irks me so much is this is somebody who I have allowed in my building and they come back and do this. I have a very special gift for this person, should I be lucky enough to find them.

If anybody wishes to share this picture on their social media sites, it was stolen at 4am on Wednesday morning in Lynnwood WA, that would be great. It is 100% unique.



P.S. I haven't done anything with Wes Hill

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I was hoping it was a false rumor.

Suggest you do a mug shots of all visitors via 4K security cam on the entry door and they will never know it.


PS: if you catch them I’d be happy to fly out and drive over their hands in one of your CSL’s.
Oh Shit @BMW Pete,

I’m thankful that the cars are safe. I’ll keep my eyes out on CL and facebook. It goes without saying, but see if any known attendees got photos of the suspects.

I’m so sick of the property crime in the Seattle Metro. It is completely out of hand. I keep adding more and more cameras to my property as the crime works it’s way from the corridor to the residential neighborhoods.
so sick of the property crime in the Seattle
What’s the root cause? I remember Seattle as being relatively crime free despite having a sizable homeless population.

New England winters seem to contribute to a lower level of this in Boston

That really sucks mate.
They are the type of things that some goose will try to offload on 'Pawn Stars.' I'm assuming both are unique so you'd think impossible to sell on open market in any event.
Is it possible they were stolen to order, as both seem quite niche?
What’s the root cause? I remember Seattle as being relatively crime free despite having a sizable homeless population.

New England winters seem to contribute to a lower level of this in Boston


I had something long typed out but this explains that it better. The loss of “reasonable suspicion” is mostly to blame.
The article below doesn’t dig into the fact that offenders are released from custody within a few hours of arrest. The law was intended to reduce abuse of force by bad cops, but criminals quickly learned to sue it to their advantage. Even the guy who wrote the bill acknowledges that it caused unforeseen issues.

I’m not sure what the right balance is but the current situation is frustrating.
