My 350HP-E9


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Hello all,
look at my baby it is completed, and it turns out one craze car, this is not a car for average driver like me, with upgraded M3 engine, and half of the M3 weight, it is one crazy car, I am glad that I upgrade the brake system and use a Ireland Engineering Wilwood 300mm big brake kit, and look at my Blue Beauty it is 2800cs but I rebuild the engine and use a over size piston and valves, when I drive the car it look like one powerful sport car, and engine noise with 3 weber is beautiful, the both cars are crazy beautiful and I love both and worked hard to complete the both cars, almost year and a half, now I can only keep one and I have to sale one of this nice cars, since there is another orange E9 under the paint and soon I have to start working on it now don't know to sale the Blue 2800cs or Malaga 3.0cs, I have time to think about it, what you guys think.

Blue Beauty 1.jpg
Blue Beauty 2.jpg
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Well done. Make sure you have it pointed in the right direction when you step on the accelerator. ;)
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Just my humble, unbiased opinion, but those triple side drafts would look much better with an OEM style, made for the M30, linkage system. You might find one here:
Just my humble, unbiased opinion, but those triple side drafts would look much better with an OEM style, made for the M30, linkage system. You might find one here:
Hal all your stuff looks amazing!
Man those are some really interesting wheels on your blue car. I'd love to hear about a quarter mile time/0-100km if you ever get around to it. I'll bet this thing rips! Love your work!
Man those are some really interesting wheels on your blue car. I'd love to hear about a quarter mile time/0-100km if you ever get around to it. I'll bet this thing rips! Love your work!
Hello, I don't know much about the engine, but before rebuild the engine I was looking for 3.5 liter engine but my mechanic said I can rebuild this engine to be much more stronger and faster than 3.5 L he play with he charge me 8K for this engine he put the larger valve piston change the crank shaft and cam shaft. however when I take the car to dyno I will know what he did to this engine will see it is what he promise me.
Just my humble, unbiased opinion, but those triple side drafts would look much better with an OEM style, made for the M30, linkage system. You might find one here:
Hello I never seen one I will change it if it is better what I have, if you could send a picture that will be great, what I did was challenge to make it work and I got help from professional race car driver he said this way it will respond quick and it is easy to adjust.
what I did was challenge to make it work and I got help from professional race car driver he said this way it will respond quick and it is easy to adjust.
All of the aftermarket side draft linkages are generic and have to be pieced together like an erector set for each application. The weakest points are the multiple levers that are clamped onto the main transverse rod. Three of these levers are used to synchronize the triple side drafts and each must be set precisely so that all butterflies open simultaneously. Because they are merely clamped onto the main rod, they will eventually rotate causing the system to lose synchronicity. This is why those linkages are so hard to tune and keep in tune.
In contrast, our linkage system is based on the original 2002ti side draft system where all of the synchronization is done on the carburetor's balance levers, NOT on the linkage itself. No part of the main transverse rod requires or can be adjusted. The only adjustments to be made are the balance levers on the carbs. And our system is designed specifically for the M30 with bell crank. It includes everything needed from the bell crank to the carb's throttle shafts. No need to fabricate or create new parts.

Your race mechanic is correct in that the solid rod system is more responsive and easier to adjust than a cable system. But because our linkage system is designed specifically for the M30, it is even easier to install, synchronize and maintain.

Here are a few pics and a link to a video of the linkage system in action:


  • M30 Side View.png
    M30 Side View.png
    1.5 MB · Views: 84
  • M30 Top View 2.png
    M30 Top View 2.png
    1.7 MB · Views: 82
  • Installation Tips for M30 DCOE kit .pdf
    435 KB · Views: 85
  • Individual Parts CS Side Draft Linkage.jpg
    Individual Parts CS Side Draft Linkage.jpg
    302 KB · Views: 82
thank you so much for the help, you are right this is much nicer than what I have and look lot less work to put it together, I think I will change it
Many of our customers are pro vintage BMW mechanics because the installation is very quick, synchronization is easy, and there are no call backs. I hope you and your mechanic enjoy our linkage system.