My condolences.


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Alberta, Canada
I saw the aftermath of an accident, posted in the Gallery section, that totalled a beautiful, very recently repainted Malaga CS. Not sure who the owner is but my heart goes out to you. Hopefully you came out of this better than your car.

I went out to the storage bay (aka “the petting zoo”) to say kind words on your behalf to the God of old cars while sitting in mine. May your next one be just as perfect and have better luck.
I agree, Decoupe, I caught that one in the gallery several months ago and lust after it. I think I have a thing about Malaga.

Nice Coupe, are you planning to repair it, dang, I hope so.

Nice Coupe

So sad...I downloaded a photo of this coupe as one of my all time favorites when I first saw it posted on the old board. I hope Hamish can rebound in style!!! Best of luck!!!
Death of a coupe


Kind of puts things into perspective?

It's just after 2am here, I am drunk, just home, and really should not be near the computer in this condition. Apologies if I have the wrong end of the stick...

I am very, very saddened to see pics such as those. I hope nobody was hurt in the accident, and wish all the best to the owner. The thoughts of the entire group are surely with you.

If the car is totalled, salvage as much as you can, and transplant your good bits into a Coupe that needs a restoration.

The old one deserves more than just scrapping. Bits can live on in a new creation. I know it is a lot of work, and you really might not feel like it just now, but think of the good times. Your car was a beaut - a head turner. Make the next one just as good.

Guys - let's pool together if we can and help!
My condolence to the you for your loss! It is sad to see a member of the Malaga family gone. When you get through grieving, you should post an obituary: a description of the known life of the coupe.

RIP :cry: