My Other Pillarless Coupe now for sale on BAT

Added a comment (Fergy) on your BAT sale site. GLWS, these are great cars. I owned mine for nearly 20 years before it left for Maine via BAT.

Added a comment (Fergy) on your BAT sale site. GLWS, these are great cars. I owned mine for nearly 20 years before it left for Maine via BAT.


It is a spectacular car. At the time, perhaps the best car in the world. Build quality is amazing. When I was a late teen, I worked as a valet car parker, and I never could dream that I might actually own one of these cars one day. Customers had these.

I would also save two self park spots by the front door for the two or three regulars with Testarossas, AM Volantes, 911 Turbos, including a slant nose. One was Jerry Weintraub who produced the Karate Kid. A car guys dream. I was an impoverished student who didn't even own a car.
I am a fan of tanks,
Chris and Scott,

Back in the '90's, I had a guy in my technical group whose brother was in the 'major damage' auto body repair business. He told me that his brother had said many times "If I am ever in the mother of all crashes, I hope I'm driving a 126 chassis Benz" I also have a friend (now over 90) who was an Italian immigrant and after working for a Benz/Ferrari dealer for about 10 years after arrival opened his own shop which he ran for 40 years. He ONLY worked on MB's, Rolls Royce, and Ferraris. He always said that the 126 chassis was the best of all the Benzes. Unfortunately, he had to close his shop in his late 80's due to a major heart attack. He was truly old school, and repaired things rather than throw parts at the cars he serviced.
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So Scott, henceforth, I think you should offer up any car in your possession that you intend to sell to your fellow coupsters before you put it on the market. Given your excellent taste, as evidenced by your continuing to hang out here, I bet you could find some friendly transactions.
The 560 was the car dejour for mid-level dealers in Miami when I was growing up. With the monoblocks on, it's one of mercs last great classic designs. I'd love to have one at some point.

Re the dealers, those reaching or have made it to the top of the heep without getting taken out almost always went for a slant nose turbo in a PTS color. The white on white was also popular and screamed, I've made it b*tches!