Spent some time trying to get the antenna working. It clicks when the console button is pushed, but nothing else happens. I took it out and managed to unreel the plastic cable so that I could clean and lubricate the antenna. Getting the cable wound back up was tricky--not like my old Mercedes where you just feed it in as the electric motor is running.
Naturally, all this work accomplished nothing, so now I'm thinking I'll need to send it out for professional repair, but I can't figure out how to disconnect the power wires (see picture). The black one is soldered to the motor inside. The silver one is solidly attached as well. I don't see any connectors farther up the wires in the trunk. Do I just cut them now and splice them together when the piece comes back? Thanks.
Naturally, all this work accomplished nothing, so now I'm thinking I'll need to send it out for professional repair, but I can't figure out how to disconnect the power wires (see picture). The black one is soldered to the motor inside. The silver one is solidly attached as well. I don't see any connectors farther up the wires in the trunk. Do I just cut them now and splice them together when the piece comes back? Thanks.