Need Passenger Side Reverse Indicator


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Ketchum, Idaho
My car was rear ended recently. Only very minor damage, but this cracked. Do you know if this is available?

It isn’t readily available. Check with @Stan. Also check with @Stevehose as he has some core lights that your insurance company could buy. I would check your whole housing off of the car.

There are two ways that light can crack. One is a direct hit, which could have bent the frame. The other is a hit in proximity to the frame, which caused deflection. Either way the frame was tweaked at least momentarily. Pot metal doesn’t really bend so much as break.
It isn’t readily available. Check with @Stan. Also check with @Stevehose as he has some core lights that your insurance company could buy. I would check your whole housing off of the car.

There are two ways that light can crack. One is a direct hit, which could have bent the frame. The other is a hit in proximity to the frame, which caused deflection. Either way the frame was tweaked at least momentarily. Pot metal doesn’t really bend so much as break.
will do. agree that it may be more damaged than it appears. Emailed @Stan already. will reach out to @Stevehose