Need Restoration/Performance Shop recommendation for NYC


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Can anyone recommend a good BMW shop in the area that specializes in older BMW's?

My car has been serviced at the little garage in Long Island, but I get the impression that they are not the ideal shop for restoration/modification work.

My immmediate need is for a ahop to install new spring/shocks and suspension mounts with a 4 wheel alignment.

Ultimate Cars
44 School St
Bedford Hills, NY
(914) 241-3179

Speak to Pierre and let him know I sent you.

Pierre said he was tied up with other projects. he recommended I try Graham Lawson, whose shop, apparently, is very close to Ultimate Cars.

Any feedback on Graham's shop/workmanship?

I would think Matt's Little Garage would be able to handle suspension work.
He handled my 2002 for many years, but I can understand your reasons for more choices for focused restoration work.

If Pierre is backed up, which I can also understand, Matt McGuinn of in Ct. has been mentioned. I've seen some of his work at Limerock.

Michael B has mentioned him for work I'm considering as well. PM me off board, maybe we can do something in tandem since you're in NYC as well.

Another Restoration shop that serves the NYC Area

Allow me to promote my own shop . . . ;-)

Vintage Sports & Racing, LLC in NH

Although we're not in the NYC metro area, we service and restore many BMWs from the area.
Presently we have in the shop a CS Coupe from Westchester County, another E30 M3 from Staten island, and will be picking up another car from NJ next week. On that same trip I could easily trailer your CS back to NH for any level of service work or restoration that you'd like.

I'll be delivering an M3 to Staten Island mid next week.

Yes, we're a ways away, but that has it's advantages with a lower labor rate, and no sales taxes combined with quality service from a shop that specializes in vintage BMWs.