glenn in encinitas

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Assembly Bill 616 (jones) has been introduced and is scheduled for a Transportation Committee hearing on April 9th.

Please review the bill and if you are so inclined, send an email to the members of the California Assembly Transportation Committee as well as your local Assemblyperson.

I won't bother you with my personal summary of the bill since you can all read for yourselves, but if passed, you will no longer be the beneficiary of the pre 1975 smog check exemption.

As you know, the 1975 cutoff date was the "deal" struck by SEMA, Jay Leno and others when the "rolling" exemption was phased out a few years ago.

Link to Bill:

California Assembly Transportation Committee members:

TRANSPORTATION (14)-Nava (Chair), Duvall (Vice Chair),
Carter, DeSaulnier, Galgiani, Garrick, Horton, Houston, Huff, Karnette,
Portantino, Ruskin, Solorio, and Soto. Chief Consultant: Janet Dawson.
Principal Consultant: Ed Imai. Senior Consultant: Alejandro Esparza.
Consultant: Howard Posner. Secretary: Denise Plants. 1020 N Street,
Room 112. Phone: 319-2093.

Betty Karnette (Newport Beach) is local to many of you. Please let her know that while you support clean air, this bill is chasing insignificant rewards at the expense of our hobby.
How about she takes a drive on I-5 or 99 to Fresno, or 101 in the Salinas Valley. Go after FARM equipment and gross polution stuff like that. :roll:

Hey, what about personal water craft? no cats on those babies... :roll:

Cars, SUVs, Trucks, Farm equipment, boats... what are the totals for all these in California? Wait, what about Hollywood producing the most CO2 in the LA area due to explosions and what not?

Hope you people stuck in the People's DemoKratiK RepubliK of Kalifornia fix your legislators. I'm off to Nevada before they screw this state. 8) :wink:
Gotta better solution... Move out of the Peoples Republic of California.
Can't Send Response to Bill Sponsor

I tried to send a response tonight via the link provided but it didn't work. Anybody had any luck?

Here's the text of what I wrote. I'm sure the bill will be withdrawn with apologies as soon as they grasp my logic and feel my pain...

Dear Assembly Member Jones,

I own a 1973 BMW 3.0CS, a rare and classic car. It seems every couple of years our legislature has to take aim at these 30+ year old cars to try to burnish their green credentials. I use the car rarely, less than 1,000 miles per year. It has not been subject to inspection since I moved to California many years ago. Were I to have to start having it inspected, and presumably having to make many changes to get the car to pass the inspection, this would be a huge economic impact on my recreational pursuit. Meanwhile, personal watercraft, snowmobiles and other recreational devices are allowed to pollute greatly without smog compliance, and SUVs are exempted from Gas Guzzler taxes. Only because I do not have a powerful, well funded lobby is it politically attractive to score green points while actually doing very little to affect the environment. (It's relevant to mention that the car that I use for thousands of miles of commuting a year is a Honda Civic Natural Gas car, so under my stewardship the environment is considerably advantaged by my healthy approach to motoring.) The upgrades I have made over the years while not being subjected to smog checks have made the car not only more reliable, but much more fuel efficient and lower emitting. Under the bill I would now have to spend an enormous amount of money to undo these changes to comply with a retroactive change to the law. As a taxpayer and a citizen, I must be able to rely that when a law is made, it will not be retroactively changed to my detriment. I hope you will continue to honor past commitments and amend the law so as not to materially harm those that have acted in good faith.

Bill 616 wouldn't impact pre 1975 vehicles

Yea, that's my reading of it. AB616 would apply to cars greater than 15 years old, but built after 1975 - these would be subject to ANNUAL inspections, while newer cars would continue to be inspected every two years, and older cars would still be exempt.

Don't get me wrong - I still agree that this is a STUPID idea. Clearly, it is the work of the vehicle inspection lobby, as well as the new car manufacturers (let's see, if we can harass those cheapskates who still own older cars, maybe they'll buy a new one!). Further, it will do nothing to clean up the environment, but the average numbskull voter will still think that the transportation committee members are green heros. Everybody wins, except for the poor & elderly who drive pre-1992 cars, and who cares about them?

So, please do write to the members of the transportation committee - paper letters probably carry more weight than email - but don't bother to mention your CS coupes.