New Member From Houston


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Houston, Tx
Hi everyone,

My name is Victor and I have always liked BMWs. I personally have a 1968 BMW R69S motorcycle totally restored that I bought back in 95.

I have been interested in the E9s for quite some time, waiting for the right one (not too rusty) to come along. Last February I bought a 74 3.0cs from Pleasant Hill, CA. I was concerned about the vin number on this car which starts with 221, seeming too low for a 74, so I got information from the BMW club in Germany. They said it was built in Aug. 7th 1973 and shipped to the Netherlands, so my peace of mind was restored.

Currently, the car is running, with minor surface rust and a 5-speed transmission. It is missing a few parts that I will be hunting for on this site. Overall, I am happy to be an E9 forum member. There is so much knowledge on this site that I can learn from. Y'all can expect questions from me!

So it sounds like your coupe is a European-delivery car. Does it have A/C or power windows?

Is it really a 1974 model, or might the people in the Netherlands have done the same thing that was common here in the states back in the 70's: the local DMV would determine the model year based on the date the car was first registered. In other words, if a car built in August of 1973 took 4+ months to sell, and was first registered in 1974, the title called it a '74.

There are a number of differences between 1969 - 1973 e9's and the 1974's. For one thing, a number of changes were made to the electrical system for the 1974 model year.

And don't worry - not everyone on this forum is from San Juan Capistrano!
Great to have this group growing as I am fairly new too! I love the resources on the E9 Driven site which has all the technical documentation. I just mention this as it took me until now to notice!




Here we go, a few pictures of the car. Hopefully you can see them.

So it sounds like your coupe is a European-delivery car. Does it have A/C or power windows?

Is it really a 1974 model, or might the people in the Netherlands have done the same thing that was common here in the states back in the 70's: the local DMV would determine the model year based on the date the car was first registered. In other words, if a car built in August of 1973 took 4+ months to sell, and was first registered in 1974, the title called it a '74.

There are a number of differences between 1969 - 1973 e9's and the 1974's. For one thing, a number of changes were made to the electrical system for the 1974 model year.

And don't worry - not everyone on this forum is from San Juan Capistrano!
Yes, It has A/C and power windows.
Houston, Austin, Dallas- there are a few of us in your back yard :)

Hello Peter,this is Victor,I have been in touch with Ian Sights,a e9 member from Austin and I asked him about a body shop around Houston,my coupe has some surface rust,especially in the trunk area i will like to start a restoration in the next few months,but i don't have a big budget,so do you know of any shop that works on this cars? Thanks
2 things

Hi Victor, first, can you send me some shots of the rusted areas, and second; how comfortable are you dismantling your car? I have a shop that has done 2 e9's, mine and a friends, they are inexpensive enough if you make it easy for them. There is really no such thing as a good, cheap paint job and if you're going to fix your car it should be done right even if you don't attack everything at once.

I would suggest a "plan", especially if you're on a budget. Let's all 3 get together and have a look some time. Also, Drew is down your way and knee deep in an e9 restoration. You could learn more from him than from me for sure- but we're all one dysfunctional family here.

Also, let's move your thread down to the restorations area, it will be easier to follow and get help :)
Welcome aboard! Glad to see you have A/C on your coupe because you're going to need it!

My car runs cool on the interior and the engine runs cool all summer long but I had to upgrade my A/C system. I have a couple of large electric fans, and my engine temp actually goes down when I turn on the A/C :)

Your coupe looks great and is going to turn a lot of heads - even among all the supercar snobs here in Houston
