Nice CSL for sale on ebay, in England

Since it's in England I'll use the vernacular. This is a load of bollocks. They didn't make 490 Bats so he shouldn't be calling it a "Batmobile" unless he stipulates that it's a CSL modified with Bat appendages. I think there were only 57 real Bats made..............right?
Plus, it has been repainted a non-original color. They forgot the stickers and VIN plate on the right side engine bay suspension pillar.

Seems fishy enough to go with some chips and HP to me.
lloks like a well sorted car to me, not sure why everyone attacks these people about calling it a bat etc, any buyer going after a bat should know what he is looking at. This car had a half page advert in classic and sports car recently, I bet it is a very nice car.
I'm sure it a very nice car and I would be proud to own it. My only thought is what price it will actually get as I still think E9 are underpriced and don't sell for the price that they deserve.
it loooks like a £15k car to me....whatever that is! As well all know its such a subjective matter but straight sorted csl is a very rare beast indeed!

It has been for sale for a while and i think when in classic and sportscar the price was about £20k.
I'm not to keen on the colour but I think £15K would be a great bargin, even though I don't think it would go for more. Not like some E types and mercs.