Caution, not a good car: 2800cs 45k

Man talk about a flip.. this is the car @curtian4 was selling in Nashville a couple months back.

Looks like it’s been cleaned and maybe tuned up. I recognized the seats and some of the wear.

I went and looked this car over in person and happy to provide any insight
Yeah the brakes were frozen, very piece of rubber underneath needs to be replaced. Rust / soft spots in the rear subframe mounts..
i know nothing about this seller ... never met the person. but my thought is that he has just cleaned this car up a bit. perhaps he doesn't know much about coupe rust, but my guess is that he has seen it and just trying to flip it and make a bunch of $$$
yes, they've just been cleaned up. the Nashville pics had them on. engine was claimed to be built by Korman at one time or another so it also has the Korman manifold.
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neither of the FS postings list the VIN. i looked for it to get it into the ancestry project and see if i could find any background info on the car
I question the claim of a Korman built engine. The original seller did not mention this, and I see only the Korman intake manifold and not the Korman tstat housing. The tstat housing is important (I have one in my car) because it is almost impossible to adjust the air bleed screw on the first carb throat with that setup. I doubt it would have left Korman's shop like that.

And I'm not a huge fan of bright red ground cables for the battery, but the rust would be my biggest concern.
my bad, i thought i had seen it in the previous ad. i guess he is claiming it must be Korman engine because it has a Korman manifold. i dunno. i just asked on FB
Carbs are new per the ad, which is an interesting thing to invest in given all that this car needs.

In addition to the rust concerns, there is a lot of stuff missing - rocker panel trim, trim under the steering wheel, accessory door, glove box, A/C controls and under hood components, the radio, center caps on the rear wheels and a license plate indicating registration.

Fuel lines are a mess, unused portions of the previous linkage are still there, vacuum line to the brake booster is taped and zip tied, brake reservoir shows low brake fluid, there is a splice in the hose to the reservoir tank, door pulls are missing, A/C controls (and the under-hood components) are missing, door cards appear to be screwed onto the doors, and there is a lot of stray, unwrapped wiring under the hood.

And while my prior comment about the ground cable on the battery was rather flip, I would be seriously concerned about a mechanic who used a red cable for the battery ground. If ever someone needs to jump this car, they will be in for a nasty surprise.

At $8,500 I wasn't too critical, but at $45,000, 2270285 is open for criticism.
The car is an absolute mess, and that’s coming from a guy who has imperfect cars. The reason there is no rocker panel trim is because there is NO rocker panel! It’s all bondo that has been painted over. I suspect that the outer frame member (structural), the one just under the rocker panel (non-structural), looks like Swiss cheese filled with bondo (not at all structural). Frankly it’s bordering on criminal, and unethical at the very least. Particularly coming from someone who toutes themselves as a car enthusiast. I can only hope that an unaware buyer finds this thread before they purchase this rolling mess at any price over roughly what it was purchased for.
i got the VIN - 2270285 - zero previous info on this coupe. i also asked when / if Korman built the engine and what documentation they have. so far, unanswered.

you are correct - so much is needed on this coupe, wouldn't know where to start. if this car wasn't in such need, i'd go take a close look at it ... i just can't recommend that anybody consider this car from what i see. if anybody is seriously considering this car, contact me and i will go look ... but, this car is a real mess - on a Hagerty 1 to 4 category rating (where 1 is the best) ... this car is an 8, otherwise known as a -4. the A pillar rust on the outer fender is NOT good, so we know what the inside is like. yes i saw the rockers (w/o the trim), but we all know the inside of the rocker is trouble. would like to see the firewall and floor.

maybe they did replace the carbs - but why take off a set of italian webers and put on non-italian webers. the manifold is still the Korman manifold in the previous sale.
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i was ready to edit the title of this thread ... but i will leave it to the creator. this post should not read "nice looking 2800cs" ... to 'CAUTION - nice looking, but NOT good 2800cs'
Interestingly, the original seller said he sold it to a forum member. To quote Curtain4

"Happily, the car sold and was picked up today by a fellow member. Thanks to folks who came to take a look in person and FaceTime and everyone in the community!"