Non E9 Brake booster


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Is anyone running a non-E9 brake booster and if so what BMW did you pull it from and what modifications did you have to make?
late e24 early e28 hydro booster

I have seen some people using the hydro booster for a e24 e28 It is almost direct bolt up replacement I think you have to make up one hose from the booster to the pot. Harder feeling brakes I would believe.
I have seen some people using the hydro booster for a e24 e28 It is almost direct bolt up replacement I think you have to make up one hose from the booster to the pot. Harder feeling brakes I would believe.

Is it a smaller diameter than the E9 and if so what is the diameter?
If he is referring to the E24 brake bomb, it is a sphere of about 10cm diameter.

So is this an 'proven' alternative set-up to the Tii booster? Any pics out there?
I assume this hydro-booster is easier to find than the Tii.
Very curious about this set-up for my planned Weber triple conversion.

"Scotty!! I need more power!!"

I have no idea if it is proven in E9s, but it is proven for me in the E24. I just replaced the original brake bomb in my 1987, so it lasts, and even when it failed the brakes were working normally with the engine running.
Is it a smaller diameter than the E9 and if so what is the diameter?

The hydro system of the E28 uses a pump-based pressure accumulator, which is effectively a big ball attached to the end of the master cylinder. This accumulator is linked to the power steering pump, so you will need to use the E28 system completely, you can't just use the accumulator.