Original E3 Hot Rod Transport...


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Coeur d'Alene, IDAHO
I was going through some old photos for something else, but came across some cool photos I thought some of you might enjoy.

The first pic was our 1972 Chamonix BMW Bavaria that was bought new in Monterey that was my original "Hot Rod Tricycle" transport vehicle, hence truck up in background. Notice the "custom" mag wheels on the trike (rears almost look like Fuchs)...LOL. Now that's riding in style. Grew up in that Bav and ended up driving it to my high school Jr. prom, shortly after that it was sold, then wrecked within a week. About the time of the other pics.

The other pics I always love and some rank among my all time favorite. The Bav may have started the BMW craze for me, but 2002's were more my thing most of my life, I always pretty much owned one (various years). I have the Golf (of course) 1976 pictured in the rest of the pics. Saved up and bought it when you could still get almost all of the parts through BMW and apparently it was ok to sit on the hood back then :oops: . My trunk lid had a golf ball divot from the previous owner living on the golf course in Healdsburg, CA whom I bought it from. I kind of liked it in a weird way, never addressed it. The big bumpers weren't such a big deal back then as they were the "newer" model from the roundies. We knew they added weight but didn't really care, we were just happy to own a "BMW" at the age of 16.

How many people in high school (these are circa 1987 or 88) can say they had about 10 or so other friends with 2002's? I didn't think so....LOL. The pictures of the street pics are in front of my friend Brian Benefield's house, 6 of us in the pic. The other one with the four cars was about the same time '87-'88, along Hwy 1 between Bodega Bay and Jenner by the Sea. My stomping grounds when going for "spirited" drives. The lead always had a radar detector (a new invention back then) that did save us multiple times with the HWY patrol. We would laugh later after we would slow down to the speed limit, wave, smile, then stomp on it again when we were well out of range.

The Bavaria pics is Sea Ranch where I grew up for 8 years, was a passenger in a car seat for a lot of those years in the Bavaria, then moved to Santa Rosa so the drive to the coast was only about a half hour away. Good times, sometimes it feels like yesterday but this is the source of the nuttiness that we all call "passion" for the mark...but who are we kidding, we are all a little nuts???!!???

EDIT: I forgot to mention, when sitting on our hoods along the coast, a guy drove by and yelled, "GET A LIFE!" We all just kind of looked at each other like, "who was that loser?" THIS IS THE LIFE!

Sorry for picture quality, those are actual pictures I quickly snapped from my iPhone on my computer desk. ACTUAL pictures, imagine that?
Trike and Chamonix 72 Bav.jpeg
2002 High School 3.jpeg
Bavaria Chamonix & Trike.jpeg
2002's High School 2.jpeg
2002's High School.jpeg
Great memories Shane!
Since I am currently not and E3, E9 or 2002 owner (for that matter), it is nice to reminisce once in a while. It is kind of hard to believe it has been so many years being around these fine automobiles.

I appreciate coming to this site still, checking stuff out and you guys still making me feel welcome. Who knows, one day I may be a coupe owner if the right one comes along and the timing works out? Never say never I guess. I never thought I'd sell the Bavaria or the Porsche, but I did...so, that can go both ways and I can buy an E9 some day. Always wanted one since my friend Tony Kraus from the same era bought his Fjord coupe when we were in high school or Jr. College, I can't quite remember exactly...those pics may be from '89 or '90; but to have all of us own a 2002 or coupe at that age was pretty special no matter how you slice it.
Yes I saw that, it looks very nice. If I do buy one I told myself it has to be Fjord...tempting. I like that red interior and that you and Mike are endorsing it, says a lot.

Unfortunately the timing isn't great and there are a few other reasons, main one is storage here in ID and not being able to drive it 6-7 months out of the year. However, I may get over that eventually and get the vintage bug back. Still hate to have a car sit for that long and take up valuable garage space. I am in a bit of a quandary here. I'll figure it out eventually. One day at a time. Hard to believe it is coming up on 2 years here. I love everything else about Coeur D'Alene; but living in SoCal for so long you take the weather and car culture for granted. As much as I love the seasons, there are downsides...
My friend Sean Steele (Autobahnparts) found some more pics of all of us, plus a couple more (notice the Turbo). That was Sean Casey's (Casey Motorsport). I think he still owns it, remember this was early 90's. I never got rid of all the sand that found it's way into every crevice possible on my '02. Yes, stupid stuff you do as a kid. We even drove in the wet sand....dumb! But fun!

Cool... Spent 4 years at Cal Poly (with my 2002). Left in 1988 for Seattle but get down to the central coast often.
Back then - I drove the 02 once on Pismo (or Oceano - can't remember) and once was enough. LOL Yeah - the sand gets ALL over the place.

Wonderful area. When SFDon is finished with my car (soon?) I had thoughts of taking the E9 down there as part of my extended test drive, but if the weather is not cooperative, don't know how that will work out.
Cool... Spent 4 years at Cal Poly (with my 2002). Left in 1988 for Seattle but get down to the central coast often.
Back then - I drove the 02 once on Pismo (or Oceano - can't remember) and once was enough. LOL Yeah - the sand gets ALL over the place.

Wonderful area. When SFDon is finished with my car (soon?) I had thoughts of taking the E9 down there as part of my extended test drive, but if the weather is not cooperative, don't know how that will work out.
Well the weather I think lately is an anomaly, don't let that hinder you. In another month it will be warm again. Yes, I lived in the Cal Poly area for a bit before heading out for the military. I surfed Cayucos and Morro Bay etc. early 90's. Fun college town, family owned a condo downtown, my sister graduated Architecture there...it's changed a lot.