Original tire size options


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Salt Lake City, Utah
My CS has 195/70 14s on the original alloys....is this the original size tire for a CS? I found a brochure stating that the originals were "175 HR 14"

I've found some options for tires at 195/70HR 14s...Michelin Energy or a Toyo tire...

Any thought about what would be the best, most correct original tire available today.

My XWXs appear original...only 20K miles on the car...but they all have flat spots and the spins out of round...

PS....i got a great set of alpina 7X16, 8X16 today from a fellow e9coupester here in UT and they're being mounted with the usual sizes in Michelin Pilots...i've always like that tire...and they should look great. i'll go back and forth b/w the two sets for a while to see what i like...stock vs alpina
Original tires

BMW specified either 175-14s or 195/70-14s. You can get new XWX from Coker Tires, but I think you will be disappointed. They are a 35 year old design and even though they were state-of-the-art when new, I think just about any modern tire will be better. I have a friend with a 2002tii who put on Michelin XAS tires (the 2002 equivelent of the XWXs) and I was surprised when driving that car at how poorly the tires worked. They rode hard and had very little traction. If you are not familar with Coker Tires, they make a lot of 'reproductions' of vintage tires, often under license, like the vintage "Michelins".

I am sure you will find a dramatic difference in handling between the 16" tires on the Alpinas and any choice of tires on the 14" wheels.