Orphaned carb coolant line(s)


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Marblehead, Massachusetts
I'm attempting to unravel various Frankensteined mods by PO, next on the list is the coolant line that (i believe) was used on the original carborators. Currently, weber carbs are installed with the bake-o-lite spacer plate still installed.

Question: do i need to remove the intake manifold to (somehow?) properly cap that fitting? I dont like the idea of a doemant coolant hose flopping around the engine bay.

If my approach is all wrong, please let me know.
Re: photo

Some photos might be helpful. I converted my water chokes to electric and had to do a little plumbing.

David, i can't physically see the fitting myself, and can barely touch it. The line in question originates under the #6 intake runner, next to the firewall.

I don't yet know if the fitting (barb?) in the block is pressed/threaded or ?

Can't see it. I have a feeling the intake manifold may need to be pulled, but would very much welcome alternatives.
Hard to access

that fitting. It's an M10 with an 8mm adapter to accept the hose. Part numer nine in the diagram. Yes, if it's been there forever it won't be easily gotton to.
Remove intake

Thank you, this diagram is very helpful. After a long look, i think i'll order intake gaskets, and pull off the intake manifold.

Rightly or wrongly, i've temporarily simply hooked the existing line up to the base of the forward carb -