Pics of 4340390


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Great NW
Finally a nice day in Portland to take some pictures.

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Engine replaced at 44,000 Km's in Italy. Now has 64,000 documented miles.

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Outside with the e30 sneaking up on it.

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Recently aquired sport steering wheel. New leather and dash. Becker Europa 2 with Idop adapter going in next week.

I've been able to compile all the records since it arrived in California in November of 1985. Repaint wes 4 years ago and new leather to include doors and dash completed 2 years ago. The engine is stock and strong.
sweet car -Congrats!

Your car looks great. We will have to get a few of us together for a e9 only ride this summer!

Jeff in PDX
Thanks, I know of at least 4 in the Portland area. We should try to plan a Thursday night pub gathering. Tony and Vince are you in?
Scott, your car is beautiful, the BBSs look great on it! The interior looks very nice, especially with the new wheel.

I am definitely up for getting the coupes out.
pictures of your 3.0CSi

Appears to be a very nice example of a 1974 Euro CSi--#290 of 1.429 produced between 1-74 thru 12-75. Am curious about a few things your comments and pictures disclose.

First--your comment that the motor was replaced at 44,000km=27,500 miles raises a big question that you may have the answer to in view of your Coupes documentation.

Having owned and driven E-9's for 35 years with 500,000 miles to date--I have NEVER heard of an M-30 needing to be replaced at such low miles--what on earth happened to necessitate replacement at that low mileage??

Also am curious as to replacing interior at such low miles--understand that most Euro models were fitted with velour interiors and that material was of relatively short life.

Also--noted that underhood cladding along top of inner fender under hood is curled--trust me that will become a rustout problem when water collects under the curled part at the firewall web--whether from rain (it does rain in the NW doesn't it) or from hosing it down when washing--this fact I learned from the expense resulting from same during my learning curve in the "proper care and feeding of CS's" (;>0)
Blumax, thanks for some detail. Don't know exactly why the motor was replaced at 44 kms. The BMW "certificatao di garanzia del propulsore originale BMW di rotazione" is the earliest record of the coupe and appears to have been replaced in Viale Veneze, Italia.

Guess someone must have not taken good care or just got a bad one, if that is possible.

I agree that it might have started out with Velour interiors. The previous owner just wanted to put new stuff in I guess. Either way the records offer a comprehensive timeline of services and mileage. I've read them through and through without finding a break in mileage. At some point it was painted Blue, then back to the original Polaris 4 years ago. What I did find interesting, especially since reading this board is that rust is matter of how it is managed rather then not having any. The records indicate that rust was managed in a few places that are typical.

Before purchasing the car I did get a chance to verify that none of the critical areas have the cancer bug. But who ultimatley knows.

I had the same curling issue with my previous coupe. This coupe will see limited water if any. That's my plan anyway. If our recent weather is any indication it truly doesn't rain in the NW!