Plastic storage boxes for car parts... any recommendations?


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Northern California coast
As we will be moving north very soon, I am trying to pack everything in some sort of travel resistant device. Old Amazon cardboard boxes are not going to cut it. So I want to get a few of those plastic storage bins (between 8 and 12 gallons) that can handle the weight of car parts. Does anyone have any experience in that area? Any recommendations?

I was looking online and those Akro-Mills totes seem to be popular but not cheap either... Any thoughts?

Thank you.
a matter of price and size, I have used the Rubbermaid ones that you find at Target etc. to ship heavy motorcycle parts
Part of my criteria was price, I might not get them back or need them in the future
Home Depot yellow and black bins:

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I've used the ones Koopman recommended. They seem strong and stack well. Another nice trick I use is applying a piece of 3M tape made for use with a dry erase marker, allowing re-labeling.
IMG_0767 (1).jpg
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hey I have cases of red screw drivers too, I hand them out at car shows, well not really

I have bought those kind of totes with the interlocking lids at Costco, they were a good deal, maybe look there
Wow - these images of stacking storage bins has inspired me to organize a few of my parts (that are amassing in various corners of the house - like the dining room...). My car had no arm rests, so I had bought a set from a member. Then I recall getting another set in the color I wanted. Evidently another trade must have transpired, and I was shocked to see how I went from none to six.
20180704-arm rests.jpg
Hello. My name is Stephen, and I have a problem. :confused:
Maybe if I put these in bins, I will forget about them and get even more...
I've had good luck with the Rubbermaid Roughneck storage bins in the 10 and 14 quart sizes.
Home Depost. Inexpensive and a choice of of several
Not for shipping, but I use wood wine boxes for storage. My local wine store puts them on a bench out front for the taking. And I do. When I can, I have the name of the wine and the logo facing out. Irony: I drink about a bottle a year. Wouldn't know a $6.00 bottle from a $600. one.

Now passing them on to another coupester.

i've been using wood wine boxes for a while because i have a bunch (bordeaux boxes) ... the downside is they don't have a lid for stacking and they are quite heavy when you put heavy parts in them. i have a mesh drawer unit from the container store - they come in different drawer widths / heights and are great for keeping some parts.

realistically you want boxes that you can stack and i have to echo Ohmess' post and say rubbermaid roughneck boxes are great ... probably more expensive than the black + yellow ones that Markos showed. might have to go look at those this weekend as its time to buy some boxes to organize the parts that have to be taken to Brendan when my engine goes in.
I don't have any shelf space left because my garage is either windows or wall to steel cabinets (full of non-BMW stuff).

My four bins are on a $15 HF wood dolly, with a 1K lb capacity. I can easily roll them around if I need to get access to the car. I figure that I have at least another 8-10 bins required for my project car when I start dismantling. Should be 'interesting'. :D
