please read

steve in reno

Well-Known Member
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reno,nevada USA
To All My Forum Friends:
My 3yr old mini dachshund, ZOE, died of “Decon” ingestion this week. I would like to share with you the telltale signs so that you might not have such a tragedy happen to you and your dog.
I had opened up the fence between my neighbor and my yard to repair and replace some fencing. I knew my dogs would go to their yard since it was open x 2 days, and walked the small property to look for any dangerous items. I specifically was looking for the signature blue/yellow box that Decon comes in. Unfortunately it comes in other containers also.
I always thought of myself as a good parent to my animals and would do anything to keep them from harm. But I wasn’t diligent enough in my search.
The signs of decon ingestion are obvious if you collect your dogs feces (poop). Their poop becomes blue/green in color in the first days, but no other changes/symptoms are obvious, until it is too late! Those signs are bruising/swelling on the body (in Zoe’s case, it was on her lower abdomen and leg a week later).
We are devastated by the loss of our baby and posting this so it may not happen to anyone else.
Steve and vicki
Wow, so sad for you. Losing a pet is losing a member of the family. :-( Thank you for posting the warning.
Truly- Man's best friend

I feel your pain. Zoe was our 10 year old female red Doberman who passed away after a short illness 4 weeks ago. We swore we'd wait till spring before we got another dog. Anyway, look what we brought home last Saturday (exactly 10 years to the day from bringing home Zoe, my wife's b day). Our new addition Ziva, has a huge hole to fill. Black and tan Dobie, uncropped ears.

She's into everything. We're watching closely.


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Sorry to hear about Zoe Steve and thanks for warning others. I just found some signs of vermin in my garage today. Looking like they are interested in my Miata. I'll make sure to proceed with caution.
Ho man

The dogs will eat anything. Like children but worse it seems. The guilt comes from not being able to control them for every second of the day. Happened to me (Max got loose for ten seconds and a perfect storm of circumstances resulted in his untimely demise) Christmas eve year before last and took me a while to get over. Cannot dwell on the past.
very sorry to hear about your loss Steve. We also have a now 10yr old mini Dashchund, he certainly likes to 'investigate' all kinds of things still. Hope you and your family recover from this saga soon.
Sorry to read this Steve. As some of the Northeast coupers know, I have a large, furry co-driver that goes almost everywhere with me. My wife is jealous because I removed the passenger seat in the Carrera to give the dog more room.

If I can add a few things to keep an eye out for that dogs like to eat and might not seem obviously toxic since people eat them without problems:
anything with caffeine
Do you know why we miss our dogs?

It's simple, because most dogs are more human than "humans". Loyal, protective, loving, and relatively predictable. They are the embodiment of "loyal subjects" and as such we owe them our best.

Sorry for your loss, I lost two this year, a long eared Dobie and a really goofy Bassett Hound, oh the joy they bring!
Our Dogs

To those out there who have lost familly pets recently my thoughts are with you. With our 6 year old ****apoo, I feel like I have two daughters. Ed G You have two best friends, A beautiful new one and great old one behind it


73 E9 Chamonix