Pondering "for sale" expectations


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Columbia Gorge, US
I may just be expressing my pet peeves, so feel free to tell me so, but I have a proposal -- how about a sticky thread in the Cars classified section defining info required to be included in a for sale posting? Like, PRICE! And location of the car, and contact info for the owner. Those are three items I consider essential, and I often note them missing.

PS: Since I'm the moderator, I guess I should also volunteer to contact people and ask them to add that info to their postings if they forget.
Do it! Good idea from one who has been looking for a coupe. I would suggest the following:

Email address:
How about also adding:
- car location
- facsimile of the key pattern
- are there dogs or alarms on the premises?

Seriously, a terse add is the best way of reinforcing
that it is a seller's market. Something like:

"Have E9 for sale, are you good enough for this car?"
I agree with most that has been said, but here are some caveats

If you have a car for sale via this board then do...

1.. State a price or "offers in the region of"
2.. Say where the car is located, to a town/country level
3.. Give a detailed description with pictures if possible
4.. Always ask for contact via the board's pm system in the1st instance

However do not on first advertsing

1.. Give out the VIN and or registration number
2.. Your home address
3.. Any other personal details

I may be paranoid, but too may cars have been cloned and or stolen when VIN numbers etc are available You are also suseptable to scams, agencies and dodgy characters by giving to many personal details away

Just a thought
Some further thoughts, as always disagreement is welcome --

By location, I meant city, not address -- I would not expect anyone to post their specific address in an advert. I do believe people deserve to know if travel or shipping are going to be required to settle a deal, city or at least state/province/etc. allow for this. Remember, some of us live in countries that cannot be traversed in a day... 8)

Posting a price is not begging. It may just be my pet peeve, but for me, no price = no interest. I won't even bother to call, because my thinking is "he didn't post a price, he's probably got unrealistic expectations of the value of the item." I don't think anyone needs to be "good enough" to buy a car -- if you have the money, you are qualified. Posting your price helps weed out unqualified buyers.

VIN/reg -- Most of us outside really large cities in the US aren't faced with much risk, but I understand why some might not want to make public information about a significant asset. I think posting the VIN is a matter of individual discretion, but a seller should be prepared to provide the VIN to a serious buyer prior to accepting any money.

Maybe we can divide this into "required" and "recommended". For example -- year, model, price, general location and a method of contact required, a good clear description and pictures recommended.