Poor Mr. M


a.k.a Mike
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Los Altos Ca
The Northern Ca storm has taken a toll on my BMW family. Some say Mr M tried to commit Hari Kari and my indestructible Toyota Sequoia avoided the kill to the, engine, heart and instead diverted the piercing branch to the trunk. Although it is true, I have been spending most my time with MissE, and talks have in fact happened about selling Mr M. I prefer to think this is just a act of nature and incompetence from our City. We have for years asked to get a permission from the city to remove the tree since several arborist have warned this could happen with the Co-dominant leaders. The city every time has denied our request, and now we got an emergency permit to remove it, and now can sleep in peace!

Thursday night this large branch fell, the Toyota taking the brunt, and least damage, and my 2015 M5 having the branch pierce the trunk and come out the other side. Waiting to hear if it is totaled



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that's a big ouch / headache / concussion. sorry to hear about this. never fun to have this happen to your car, but if there is a bright note ... it didn't get an e9 / e3. at least the m4 is replaceable / you can still get the parts to fix it properly.
Noooo00oo! Not one of the nice M4s! BMW is unlikely to build an attractive car ever again, so definitely worth (having insurance) fixing it.
I have mixed emotions, Love the car but I am worried it will not be the same. Branch pierced all the way through the trunk
I just saw this and am so sorry you have two great cars damaged, but am really glad it didn’t hit your house and hurt anyone. If they try to total the M4 be prepared for a conversation over value because they may want to treat it like a regular 4 Series for depreciation.