Porsche 944 seats in a CS?


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Has anyone tried these? They look great, comfy, and have low-profile bottoms. Easy to find in leather for around $250/pair. Thoughts/comments?

The originals have no bolsters. Spirited driving is uncomfortable at best. The originals are beautiful, but feel like a Barkalounger.
The 944 seats were probably made by Recaro, and if not they at least share the same 16" rail spacing of many of the Recaro seats you'll find from the '80's. I believe the CS rails are about 19" apart, so you will need to fab mounts.

FWIW what you've pictured there are "sport" seats, and I don't think you'll find decent ones for $250. Standard 944 seats yes, or ratty sports for $250, but the sports will go for $500-$800 or so if nice.

I did a quick search on Pelican Parts. http://forums.pelicanparts.com/search.php?searchid=4310410

As far as opinions, if you like them why not? As long as you don't cut the car to adapt them you can always go back. I would probably instead spend the money at a local upholstery shop stiffening the stock bolters.