Quarter window squeegee & felt seals


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Newmarket, New Hampshire
I bought the set from Coupe King and removed the old seals by drilling out the rivets BUT, the drill bit I used was too big so the tiny rivets that are supplies with the kit did not work. The next size up leaves too much rivet exposed to all the chrome piece to seat.

Any thoughts? Adhesive instead of rivets?

I've been trying to locate the same for the doors- any info or link to a manufacturer of felt and squeegee in bulk - I've pulled out the last of my hair on this one :)
You can try to dremel down the nub or drill a few other small holes and not use the originals. As it goes up toward the pillar, I found the original holes kind of fell between the cuts they made to take the curve so used 3M weatherstrip adhesive and have had no issues. ............at least yours came with rivets........
Originals on my car were brass rivet, but then the old bridge building style; flat head on one wide, solid stem, but with a small dimple on the other side that creates a head when pressed.