r12 pounds?

Factory repair manual says 1000 grams or 35 ounces! Not sure how this translates into the usual pounds measure.

Your car may have a red sticker on the right inner fender that has a charge limit amount.
You might want to look into switching over to R134. I believe it requires a new receiver / drier, fittings, and a system flush, but since the cost of R12 is so high it bight be cheaper.
You might want to look into switching over to R134. I believe it requires a new receiver / drier, fittings, and a system flush, but since the cost of R12 is so high it bight be cheaper.

I would concur. Not to mention unless you are a mechanic (or have a friend who is one) you can't get hold of the stuff.
correction--other label says 2.2 pounds

for the math challenged 2.2 X 16 = 35.3 ounces At some time we were able to buy R-12 (Freon) from auto parts stores in 12 ounce cans.

And now a story about hazardous materials:
Someone correct me if my saying that our EPA and our Nanny Police have over-reacted to the hazards actually posed to our well-being--mercury-asbestos-lead-R-12 and others. When "chicken little" constantly repeated the sky was falling--eventually otherwise alert citizens of that barnyard believed it really was.

I do understand that some of these potentially hazardous materials can be harmful if there is a daily intimate exposure to same in our lives--but not likely at a few feet distance??

I'm a lucky guy for having survived:
1) playing with mercury in my hands as a boy on many occasions (our dentist gave it to me) and having many amalgam fillings for years
2) mixing lead based paint and brushing same on houses all summer long as an apprentice house painter in my youth
3) sawing many Johns Manville asbestos heating pipes as a teenager while installing gas fired wall heaters and furnaces for the Gas Company
4) surviving asbestos insulation being ripped off and replaced overhead with same on heating ducts during a major ship overhaul at Hunters Point Naval Shipyard aboard the USS Manchester as a younger 24 YO
5) then for 18 months standing under heavy asbestos insulated steam lines as a Main Control Engineering Officer of the watch on a regular basis
6) finally having R-12 cooling every car that I have owned--and still cooling the BLUMAX for over 35 years--

HHHMMmmmm maybe all this hazardous material exposure has finally gotten to me!! Is there a good Lawyer in the house? (;>)
Re: correction--other label says 2.2 pounds

for the math challenged 2.2 X 16 = 35.3 ounces At some time we were able to buy R-12 (Freon) from auto parts stores in 12 ounce cans.

And now a story about hazardous materials:
Someone correct me if my saying that our EPA and our Nanny Police have over-reacted to the hazards actually posed to our well-being--mercury-asbestos-lead-R-12 and others. When "chicken little" constantly repeated the sky was falling--eventually otherwise alert citizens of that barnyard believed it really was.

I do understand that some of these potentially hazardous materials can be harmful if there is a daily intimate exposure to same in our lives--but not likely at a few feet distance??

I'm a lucky guy for having survived:
1) playing with mercury in my hands as a boy on many occasions (our dentist gave it to me) and having many amalgam fillings for years
2) mixing lead based paint and brushing same on houses all summer long as an apprentice house painter in my youth
3) sawing many Johns Manville asbestos heating pipes as a teenager while installing gas fired wall heaters and furnaces for the Gas Company
4) surviving asbestos insulation being ripped off and replaced overhead with same on heating ducts during a major ship overhaul at Hunters Point Naval Shipyard aboard the USS Manchester as a younger 24 YO
5) then for 18 months standing under heavy asbestos insulated steam lines as a Main Control Engineering Officer of the watch on a regular basis
6) finally having R-12 cooling every car that I have owned--and still cooling the BLUMAX for over 35 years--

HHHMMmmmm maybe all this hazardous material exposure has finally gotten to me!! Is there a good Lawyer in the house? (;>)

Well said and stated. I could not agree with you more. Especially about asbestos. I think the issue with R-12 is not so much that it is personally hazardous to you as to the environment (which, again I don't buy at all). Never the less it is expensive and difficult to obtain so it boils down cost really and if you are already doing an overhaul of your AC you might as well covert to R-134 just so that subsequent AC charging and repairs can be done more cost effectively.
It's been well documented that R134a is NOT less damaging to the ozone layer than R12. DuPont just needed another revenue stream, and set their lobbyists to work on Congress and the EPA.
Re: correction--other label says 2.2 pounds

for the math challenged 2.2 X 16 = 35.3 ounces At some time we were able to buy R-12 (Freon) from auto parts stores in 12 ounce cans.

And now a story about hazardous materials:
Someone correct me if my saying that our EPA and our Nanny Police have over-reacted to the hazards actually posed to our well-being--mercury-asbestos-lead-R-12 and others. When "chicken little" constantly repeated the sky was falling--eventually otherwise alert citizens of that barnyard believed it really was.

I do understand that some of these potentially hazardous materials can be harmful if there is a daily intimate exposure to same in our lives--but not likely at a few feet distance??

I'm a lucky guy for having survived:
1) playing with mercury in my hands as a boy on many occasions (our dentist gave it to me) and having many amalgam fillings for years
2) mixing lead based paint and brushing same on houses all summer long as an apprentice house painter in my youth
3) sawing many Johns Manville asbestos heating pipes as a teenager while installing gas fired wall heaters and furnaces for the Gas Company
4) surviving asbestos insulation being ripped off and replaced overhead with same on heating ducts during a major ship overhaul at Hunters Point Naval Shipyard aboard the USS Manchester as a younger 24 YO
5) then for 18 months standing under heavy asbestos insulated steam lines as a Main Control Engineering Officer of the watch on a regular basis
6) finally having R-12 cooling every car that I have owned--and still cooling the BLUMAX for over 35 years--

HHHMMmmmm maybe all this hazardous material exposure has finally gotten to me!! Is there a good Lawyer in the house?

Here here! In the UK we are constantly being told (and therefore punished via taxes on fuel and vehicle duty )how all us motorists are contributing to global warming by the carbon dioxide that our cars emmit (the fact that the average central heating system puts out more in a year than an average car never appears to get mentioned). For the last few years all the scientists have been telling us that we're all going to drown because the sea levels are rising and it's all our own doing!
When the Romans invaded the UK nearly 2000 years ago the climate was so warm that they were able to grow grapes at the border with Scotland (Hadrians wall) try doing that now! BUT it is definately the fault of man that all this is occuring and it's got nothing to do with the natrual cycle of the earth cooling and warming up again.
Millenium bug anyone?
HHHHmmm--now what was the subject--oh yes 12 & 134

There's still R-12 available south of the border last I heard--if one is willing to risk the run in their CS--I did for years in the BLUMAX--but now--likely not--recently discovered from my A/C guy that 134 was almost as expensive as 12--thanks to the splendid efforts of the EPA and Californias CARB !!! (California Air Resources Board)

Curious as to the government bureaucracies of the various countries whose citizens are active on this board--

Ours here in the Colonies of the good ole US of A--at every level--are convinced it's citizens are so dumb now that any LIE repeated often enough will eventually be accepted as the truth--now that truth has become obsolete--especially since the stage was set around the declaration of a former esteemed prez--by many--that went something like--"I DIDN'T HAVE SEX", etc.--his former VP picked up on this truthful statement big time--has really capitalized on it--is now highly acclaimed by much of the scientific community--especially those depending on government handouts--eeerrr--grants for their research--paid out of our tax dollars--are you getting the drift??--is it another way to mine the pockets of taxpayers?? Wonder if this condition will be met by a dose of reality someday--or a revolution??

Oh my BLUMAX--we must trust our leadership-->(;>)
Finally got a good answer to the original question. I saw a sticker on one of the coupes at the Vintage at the Vineyard this past weekend that said 2.85 lbs.