The trim for the rain gutters was "crimped" on at the factory. It's one of those pieces that is hard to install on a newly painted car, and which is also hard to get back in to its original shape once it's been removed once. It's made from very soft aluminum, and can be bent to shape, but I've never really been pleased with the results. I know the pieces are still available new, but I don't think it's cheap. If you gently rotate it forward (looking from the side of the car, so rotate toward the center of the roof) you can usually peel it off. Go slowly and gently and try not to change the shape too much. When it comes time to reinstall, you roll it back over, and gently (GENTLY) tap it with your hand, or with a gelhead hammer. Sometimes you can wrap the trim in masking tape to prevent damage from the hammer, or from a pair of pliers if you need to use them to crimp it on at either end.