I want to wrap this up, and give some GOOD NEWS for anyone with the later '73 model, or the '74/75 model e9's.
I had been dreading this job, as I envisioned that I would need to do it from inside the car. Being 14 months short of my 80th birthday, I'm not as flexible as I was when the car was new! BUT - with the window in the lowered position, I could do everything from outside, leaning into the car. That made it MUCH easier than I had anticipated.
The e28 rear door window motors are an EXACT fit for replacing the motors in the later e9's (above) which have the one piece 'intermediate years' electric window motors. The job was much easier than I expected. Being slow and careful, it probably took me 30 minutes to remove the window mechanism and window. Since my motor wasn't operating, I could not 'raise' the window as the blue shop manuals indicate you should before removing the entire system. It still came out OK.
Then, laying the mechanism on a pillow on the bench, I found that with the window side up, the window itself could be lifted away from the regulator etc. system enough to get access to the bolts that hold the old motor to the regulator mechanism. Using 10mm ratcheting boxed wrench, the old bolts came out easily. The 'newer' e28 motor replaced it perfectly, again lifting the window away from the mechanical parts to install and tighten the bolts.
I could then move the window 'up and down' electrically while the mechanism was on the pillow (I have a small 12V battery such as used in emergency lights etc. that I use for such power). This allowed ease of cleaning all the old grease out of the guide channels and installing new SuperLube grease. I could 'raise and lower' the window for full access to the channels. Once I got all the old grease removed everywhere and new grease installed, the window is incredible!!
When I bought the car last May, the the time required to move any window up or down ranged from 17 to 20 seconds. After trying to clean the tracks with the original motor in place, etc. on the right side, it now goes up and down in about 11 seconds. The left side with the e28 replacement motor and cleaned/re-lubed tracks now moves from one end to the other in 3.5 seconds (when lying on the pillow)!! I now know why my sunroof opens and closes so quickly. It has the e28 motor in it!
I'm very happy. I'm now going to remove the right side rear window and do the same maintenance on it. I'll also now do the 2 front windows as well, even though I have their transit time down to about 10 seconds (I had all four e28 motors in stock, hoping I'd be able to get them done this winter).
My big THANKS again to everyone who gave me tips. Using your suggestions and the procedure from the blue shop manuals allowed me to do everything in less than 2 hours (remember all the upholstered 'stuff' was already removed).
PS: OK, both windows are now installed with the e28 motors, old grease removed, and SuperLube applied. The up/down timing is now 4-5 seconds for the left window and 5-6 seconds for the right window.
Interestingly, the e28 motor installed in the right side took about 1 second longer to turn 10 revolutions when it was unattached to anything and I bench tested it (5 seconds for 10 rpm for the left and 6-7 seconds for the one that went into the right window).
Also: A SUGGESTION to anyone who is doing this. I recommend removing the chrome strip with the seal for the front door window that is on the front of the rear windows before removing and installing these windows (pulls off with firm 'tugging towards the front of the car). My reason for this is i slightly damaged one of these items on the left window when re-installing. I was going to install new rubber seal, so was able to get a new chrome piece as well (warning, the chrome piece for the right side window is NOT CURRENTLY available from Bay Em Vay).