Rear window trim removal


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Memphis, TN
Hi All. I could use some help removing this rear interior piece of trim. I’m hesitant to pry too hard in any wrong direction, lest I bend or destroy the piece that I’m trying to send to a site member. Any removal instructions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for any input in advance. FYI, I will not be able to get the rear window down easily so I’m hoping to do this from the inside of possible.



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That piece holds the headliner in place, 2 parts to it with that cover/clip shown in the top left of your photo, covering the junction of the 2 parts. Spray WD 40 on that cover, wait a bit, then slide it forward with a dull tool (I have one of those plastic tools to remove door cards ). Wd-40 the length of the part you are removing and you should be able to pull it down by hand. Start at the junction point. Obviously very flimsy, easy to bend. I did the reverse to put mine back on.
BavBob, thanks for the advise! Do you recall if I should be rotating the trim to the inside or outside as I work it off? I’m trying to determine if it has a lip one one side or the other that would make my efforts more difficult prying in the wrong direction