Rebuilding Hi Beam column switch


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Has anyone had a go at rebuilding the Hi beam/ Flasher switch?
Mine works to flash but will not allow full beam on continuously, and given the price of a new one, I would rather have a go at fixing it first..

Cheers. John
I had some luck with this a few months ago. I found that the body of the flasher unit cracks and an important piece that is one of the crimp points that hold the back side in place, disintegrates. This allows the piece with the contacts to pivot when the stalk is moved, and operation is hampered. In my case, everything inside was fine, just cleaned it up and lubricated the moving parts, but reassembled the case and secured with a plastic zip tie. Very tight package now, works like a new unit. Good luck!
Just bit the bullet and replaced mine, but my tech has a new 3-D printer and is experimenting with the old unit. Stay tuned.

Thanks guys, going to try to get to it over the next few days, I'll keep you posted.

Cheers. John
what about putting the part back into the crimp point with Stevehose's favorite product - JBWeld? like he used on the headlight switch. i know these switches have more action than the headlight switch. i have several front turn signals that came un-crimped, but otherwise still worked ... except when the stalk popped out.