removal of ignition lock?


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any tips on how to do that?

My key works really badly in the lock, I need to twist and push really hard to get it going so I guess I need to change something...


If your lock uses the "dimple" type key I don't think you can get them anymore...
However that said it sounds like the electrical contacts in the back might be bad and I am pretty sure that can be fixed

The whole lock mechanism is usually fitted with security bolts which are a pain to remove without damage

I can take some pictures of the DOB column, which is off the car, for you
if you like as that is probably easier than trying to put it in words!
Let me know
You can still get keys from Pebra, last I checked. (Pebra=key OEM) Plus, there are usually a few guys who will make keys on ebay.
Thanks Malc!

Yes, I have the dimple key and the bottom of the lock was actually replaced two years ago.

I removed the bottom part with cables to manually work it and it runs fine.

When I play around with the key the problem seems to be that the part turns the key (a small T thing) is worn out. It turns it the first steps nicely but the starting one fails. So I need to replace that. Someone told me that it can be replaced separately. Or maybe the whole lock is simpler, but then I still ned to remove it :) Not sure how the security bolts work?

x_atlas0 - I don$t think the key is the problem (see above). I can have new ones made here though.

I had a similar problem and sent my cylinder to Carl Nelson who rebuilt/replaced only the worn portion for about $50. No problems ever since.
First I am sorry I was thinking of more modern steering column locks, so no security bolts. Anyway first picture here shows you the general layout when you take the lower cover off. However for me as the column is off the car it's easy :D
Note the metal "tag" on the right held in with a screw this has to be removed. I would strongly suggest disconnecting the battery before any work!
Note the "cut out" in the column shaft. This is where the steering lock engages, helps if it not engaged!


OK, remove the screw and "tag" by "giggling" the key around in the lock.
Note hands not grubby yet!

Once free the whole lock assembly can be withdrawn, take care with the wires! Use the key to help pull the lock.
If required, drive the securing pin out of the lower part of the lock barrel to get the electrical switch off the main body


Can do more pictures if required, once I shovel some more coal into my home Babbage engine of a computer!
many thanks all!

@malc -
Poor man, still running a Babbage computer?
I've heard Scotland is a bit backwards but...... ;)
I didn't think about removing that tag, really appreciate the pictures. Very helpful.

@Quendil -
I've added a start button too, but it would be nice to use the key.
Just as a matter of principle, I want everything to work on the car.

@David -
I am planning to repair it but it seems there are two sizes to the worn part and I need to know which one I need...

I know Carl is good with these things but as I live in Switzerland it's not so easy to ship him stuff, I just hope W&N have a part for me.

Can you still get the electrical switch on the bottom as seperate item?
I think mine is stuffed :cry:

Which bit wears out? Asking because I have access to a machine shop from time to time.
I think I actually got it from BMW themselves, it was about two years ago so I'm not 100% sure.

As I understand it (was told by another coupe guy) the lock has three parts, bottom part with the cables, the part with the lock itself and one in the middle which is the one that seems to be worn for me.

Carl told me this middle part comes in two sizes.

I will take it apart this wekeend to look and get back to you. Maybe even with a picture or two :)

You can still get keys from Perba, last I checked. (Perba=key OEM) Plus, there are usually a few guys who will make keys on ebay.

It's spelled Pebra. The blanks available now are mostly Silca. In addition to the eBay resource, there are key shops that still have the cutting tool to do Pebra keys. Particularly well known is Santa Monica Lock and Safe.
It's spelled Pebra. The blanks available now are mostly Silca. In addition to the eBay resource, there are key shops that still have the cutting tool to do Pebra keys. Particularly well known is Santa Monica Lock and Safe.

Whoops, that's what I get for typing poorly. Sorry for the wrong info.

While we are on the subject of keys, my coupe came with 8 total. 4 ignition, and 4 Pebra type. One of the Pebra type is all metal, even the head. This one is the only one that opens doors. Another Pebra key, one with a coated head, only opens the trunk. It is very strange. I thought the valet key was supposed to have a rubber head?

mine looks like this. Couldn't remove it easily :(


Have to think about what to do with this, hard to get at with the angle grinder.

Ah a security bolt :cry:

However there are ways around this :)
Obviously easier with the column off but doesn't have to be.

1)..You can cut a slot in the head, as shown in my pictures, use either a hacksaw, or a small die grinder with a 20mm diameter cutting disk, Dremel make electric ones.
2)..Tack weld a bolt on, but be careful the die cast zinc will melt
3)..file "flats" on it to get a spanner on
4)..Get a "stud extractor" socket which self screws it's self on and then hopefully grips it
5).. Grind or file the head right off, remove tag, use grips to remove remains that will be exposed.
6).. Using a good centre punch right in the middle... Use a LEFT HAND Drill, in a reversible electric drill and start to carefully drill down the centre of the bolt. hopefull as the drill grips it will back the bolt out.

What ever you do diconnect the battery and take your time!
Ta ever so Malc,

yes there are a few options. But since the starter button works very nicely I may wait with this one for a while and focus on the rest of things that needs to be done.

Currently adding new vinyl to the trunk, will be a great improvement.
