Restoration with Glue


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I am getting ready to try my hand at welding patch panels into the windshield and door post area of my neglected Corvair. I have tried welding sheet metal before and really had terrible results with doing the preferred butt joint (vs easier lap joint) I was in a body shop today asking about where to get sheet metal and the owner suggested I glue my patch panels on with panel adhesive. The more I have been looking into it, the more I think this is preferable in a lot of situations. It is also a lot easier.
I still have to weld some pieces in, and hopefully have success this time. I think panel adhesive will come in handy though.
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Dear Nicad... I have also recently tried my hand at welding, having discovered rust holes in the front floor wells of my coupe, but I found it very time consuming. I also found that silly helmet thingy was uncomfortable to wear, and just made it harder to see what I was doing!
Later, having recovered from my temporary blindness, I had a new plan.
Instead of welding, and to keep 'flipping' costs down, I decided to use a good quality aluminum baking foil, folded over to double thickness for extra reinforcement, and stuck down with gaffer tape. Simple! It doesn't do a great deal for the structural integrity of the vehicle, but does keep the water out, temporarily at least.
Thus I will now be able to pass her on as a modified lightweight version, thereby greatly increasing the 'flipping' value!
Just checked under the carpet, and noticed the gaffer tape is already peeling off.
Never mind, but next time I shall try panel adhesive.
Kind regards