restored CS (Bay Area)

I guess lopping off the Big Bumper is an economical way to seek top dollar for your 74'. I can't imagine a large bumper car pulling that off. I love the look of this one, but I know I would be guilt struck when the Toyota Yaris took out the front end at the shopping center.
I think it's a legitimate way of

cosmetically updating an E9 or a big bumpered 2002.
As far as parking lots go, I don't think this car was restored as a grocery getter.

Anyone in the Bay Area seen this car at any CCA or other BMW events?

I'm in the bay area but have not seen the car
The cell # matches that of mpower3330 on this forum
Seller is from GermanAutoKraft in Belmont

I believe the seller runs GermanAutoKraft in Belmont, CA.