Restorer Nightmare - Ebay listing

If anyone here buys it you're automatically thrown off the island. The owner should pay someone to take that thing. = )

He is right though, we all know that tires are the single most expensive component of an E9 restoration.

TJ in LA
I actually drove this car when I went to pick up my CSL at the Little Garage.

As you can see from the pictures, the body is a disaster. The mechanicals, on the other hand are quite good. It clearly had a well maintained engine and the clutch/transmission were in excellent shape.

It also has some history behind it as it apparently belonged to one of the Kennedy family ( or family friend, I wasn't paying too much attention ).
Anyway, John Kennedy ( the younger one ) supposedly got a ride to the airport in this car for his fateful last flight...
I'll bet the Kuwaiti body guy who did the E9 / E28 cross that was on Ebay last week could work miracles with this car. The real question is what to cross it with?? :roll:
Belonged to the Kennedy's
Oh dear...
That means it's lived in a nice salty environment like Cape Cod
Or even been driven off a bridge into salt water!

I'm I being politically incorrect here?
