Right hand mirror position


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Santa Fe, NM
I've got a new right hand mirror to install while I'm messing with the window drives. If I duplicate the distances of the left hand mirror, it looks correct but I can't see about a quarter of the upper front of the mirror

If I put the mirror where I can see the whole think, the two mirrors are now not symetric.

Where are yours? Aestic or functional?
In euro position near leading edge of door? That might make a difference in sight but keep it symmetric anyway.

I'm detecting a theme here...

These are the trapozidal ones

Why raise the "flag" when driving the E9! :)

On the other hand, who would overtake you when you feel happy in the fast lane?
mine is located symmetrical to the left hand side one, it is the flag type

it is useful and aesthetic too

Flag type, and I put in the right hand side carefully measured to be the same as the left. I can see both; my driver's seat is fully to the rear.... at six foot six, it's gotta be.