some ideas
I agree with most of the previous comments
I had myself a problem with the cooling system, that was the reason for the upgrade of the whole system, you can find an explanation thread here:
the difference of temperature in the radiator does not seem to be really a big issue, the radiator has an entry way and an exit way runnig water from left to right and top to bottom, this means that differences of temperature are normal, I can not tell you in which ammount shoud be the difference, but a 39% of difference can be possible, or even a bigger one, depending on the position of thermostat and the moment in warming up process you meassure
I assume that when the system is working in steady condition after everything has warmed up, the temperature difference will be smaller
I agree that the pump is "always" working, you may have dirt or deposits that block in some extent the system piping
I made a complete renewal including the pump, but you should start step by step with simple things:
1- bleed the system as has been detailed before, this is a key thing, if you have air in the system, the temperature will go up for sure
if this is not working:
1- empty the coolant, completely, including the screw in the engine block (see my thread)
2- clean the circuit of cooling system with a mixture of Water+Oxalic Acid (250gr in 10liters), you pour the mixture into the cooler bottle, close, and bleed the system,
3-and you drive the car over 100 or 200 km, then you empty it again, and when the engine is cold you pour water until it cleans the hole circuit, you will see a brown dirty mud going out from your engine, when clean water comes out, you stop, and let it dry for 2 days with all the holes opened, then close holes, and refil with adequate coolant (don´t use a cheap one)
4- before the last refill, change a new thermostat (it is unexpensive and it might be faulty in your case)
5- finally bleed it and there you are !
another easy check is this one: you might know that you have a visco-clutch inside the fan that allows the car to engage and disengage the fan when needed, maybe your visco-clutch is not working well, to check that:
1- with the engine stopped, check that the fan can be turned with your finger easily
2 then start the engine, you should warm up your car and let the temperature go up
3- when the engine is really hot, the clutch will progresively block the fan making it solid to the engine, then if you stop the engine, you can check that you can not turn it with your finger
p.s.: sorry for my english
hope it helps