Saving craigslist ads


Well-Known Member
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KANADA, Roberts Creek, BC
Not sure which forum to post to to get appropriate feedback. Off topic?

It is irksome to me and possibly you...that we discuss CL ads and then the ads go dark. Its not that difficult to save them as pdf or html files with pics. There are probly file size issues and so on...but just think of how great it would be to have the ads archived:x

For example...

I am still deep in my garage/studio construction and haven't even had time to work on my cars much less get into this further. Thought I would throw is out there so maybe SOMEONE ELSE could do this.
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Good idea

I sometimes print to Google drive to save the ad's content. But doesn't get all the pictures. Tell us more about a good tool. BTW, the posted link doesn't work for me.
Twisting lane...The page seems to load quite slowly, perhaps if you give it a few seconds.

I tried freezepage but it only saves what you have on screen.

I used craigslistadsaver which saves it to an html page and It extracted all the images on put them below the ad content. Then I used pdf hurl to save that to a pdf.

The pdf part probly isn't necessary. I just tried it to see if I could get the craigslistsaver file into a postable file. No luck.

Here is a link to the e12 ad straight out of craigslistadsaver. Curious if it comes through.
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Yes Restart, it does work for me, and got to copy of the e12 ad and its pictures. Just had to wait a bit for it to load. This could be useful...
And me too. A bit of time to load but all there. But now I can open the 2000 ad.

Can anyone save these as they pop up and post them with the original post. Or something like that.