Seat track color

Rex Kapriellian

Well-Known Member
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Long beach california
What color are your seat tracks? Galvanized from the factory, or are they painted?

About to get them sandblasted and I’m trying to figure out what to coat them with.
Do not media blast!!! Clear Zinc. Pull the track back as far as you can to expose the front/lower part of the track which is what is exposed when mounted in the car.
The tracks are off the car. Tie wrapped together, moisture got to them and they have a film of oxidation.....
Blasting the tracks can damage the bearings and the smooth sliding surface. I would attempt to remove the rust with something like PB Blaster, WD40 or something to that effect.
Pics or it didn’t happen! ;)

Looks like it happened on page 12:

I detailed in my restothread how i redid them. The whole way, including new rubbers.

Like others mentioned, they are clear zinc electroplated.

You can seperate them if needed.
Im not sure i would again seperate a functional set, its a lotta work.
They do run immensely better now.

I would also not sand blast them. It sticks inside and never run smooth again. They are originally made from folded steel plate that looks like it was slightly sanded. They have lines along the length. If you want to freshen them up take a bit of steel wool to mimic.
The etching step prior to the zinc plating will take of quite some rust and grime where you can't reach. The cleaner you bring them in, the brighter they come out.

Verstuurd vanaf mijn SM-A520F met Tapatalk
I had mine off the car and off the seats. I thoroughly cleaned the sliding surfaces with brake cleaner spray. Then, I applied 'plenty' of SuperLube grease to all the moving surfaces. Move very easily now - just scrubbed the exterior surfaces lightly to get dirt etc. off - no corrosion.

How have people dealt with the plastic part of the seat base that has the chrome cellophane coating that has peeled off/cracked. I bought some chrome wrap off ebay, and it looks ok from a distance but want to explore other options.
I bought new chromed plastic pieces that cover the seat tracks from W & N - along with other stuff, so shipping wasn't a major part of the total cost.
