Sequence of rear window and rear parcel tray installation?


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We are "slowly" reassembling our 2800cs and are close to install the rear parcel tray and rear window with new gasket with the rope method.

It looks like the rear window should go in first, if so, can the parcel tray be aligned (fitted) to get the snaps into their holes? Or should the tray go in first then the window?

Which ever way to go we only want to install the window ONCE. We can struggle maybe with installing and removing the parcel tray a couple of times if need be.

Any comments?


i know that i took mine out with the rear windshield in place, and put it back in after mounting speakers.
I believe there is a thin strip of matching vinyl that goes along the lip of the window and curves along the c-pillars before window installation. This creates a nice seam so the small gap between the shelf/window is the same color as the shelf. Mine is a Euro and the hat shelf is vinyl, not carpeted.