Service booklet for UK CSL?


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Hi all,

I am contemplating the aquisition of an E9 CSL. Does anyone know if these cars were supplied with service booklets originaly as I would like to find a car with good history?

I would also like to find out how to check what colour a particular car left the factory in as a few have been repainted over the years

Any help would be gratefully appreciated.

Many thanks
Hi Ash, there is a plate on the passenger a post - in front of where the door shuts that has a number stamped into it - this is a colour code. This could have been changed though so to know definitively you need to email bmw mobile tradition. The email address is on the site here somewhere if you search.

As for the service booklet - I can't remember ever seeing one!

Which car are you looking at? Are you London based?


Hi Ash,

My CSL came with its original service booklet, stamped and filled in by the supplying dealership, Wollaston of Northampton. I later found out that the first owner, Mr. Max Griggs, as stated in the booklet, was the managing director of Doc Martin (DM) boots.
Makes sense as Northampton was very much the centre of the UK footware business. A trip to Wollastons also confirmed that my car was delivered by the then MD of the business, Mr Henry Trembecki who personally confirmed that he had filled out the service booklet himself and still remembered the car! Even better, a long standing technician remembers "borrowing the car" when it was in for service, and told me it was "almost" impossible for him to get his leg over in with his then girlfreind as the seats don't recline!!! Amazing what a service book can reveal.

As for the colour, I agree with Rohan, you really do need to check with mobile tradition to verify a car's original colour and specification.


Thanks Rohan.
I am in the midlands. The car I have been offered is not advertised but I should know more next week?

If you know anyone with a cosmetically tatty CSL looking to sell it on I am looking for a suitible project to play with?

Thanks Stefano.
Thought as much and that is exactly the sort of paperwork I want to have with the next car I buy (if I can find one)???

Hi Ash, there is a plate on the passenger a post - in front of where the door shuts that has a number stamped into it - this is a colour code. This could have been changed though so to know definitively you need to email bmw mobile tradition. The email address is on the site here somewhere if you search.

As for the service booklet - I can't remember ever seeing one!

Which car are you looking at? Are you London based?



Check forward part of door jamb for paint color placard. (Left door) but since there are only 2, try both :wink: Maybe you will see a legible placard. Code colors found here:
Thanks for that.

Not to worry - I have seen a few on ebay and remember talkign to someone on here about them but the messages are gone from my inbox.

That badge looks like a very good replica whereas the others I have seen are not great.


where do i buy one of them?


That image is from an older thread. These "badges" "placards" "plates" are commercially available. I am not aware of any specifics. I have seen what looks to be virtually the same badge sans "made in W.Germany." In any event, this or something like it may satisfy you:

Interestingly, your question was asked in in another related tread. And it was Orangener, who noted they might be available at a fair in Österreich happening soon: Perhaps you can contact him to see if he or someone he knows will be attending or can provide more details. I would think that there might be a vintage get together in your neck of the woods, where those badges might also be purveyed. Goodwood or maybe something tailored toward Karmann, VW, Porsche BmW?

While the market for these can't be too large, I may have seen them on Ebay, but other than that, I have no specifics. Jaymar? Coupeguy? Carl Nelson in LaJolla? W&N? are a few sources that come to mind.

Good luck
