short engine swap time


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Sydney, Australia
does anyone know what the standard bmw sevice time is for a short block swap, ie removal of old engine, swapping all ancilliaries onto the new short block , and re install?
trying to avoid getting ripped off by a local mechanic,
thx Mike
I don't know how they do it now, but back in 1970 the BMW flat rate book gives time in units and then it's up to the shop to figure out it's own efficiency (units per hour) and charge accordingly. I've have the book and the example given in the front of the book assumes 12 units per hour for an average shop.

Removal and refitting of an exchange engine is 80 units for a 2800 CS and 101 units for a 2800 CSA. Since you have a short block, you need to add 30 units for the head. So, 11 hours seems like a reasonable book time.
Terry and I can do it in 6 hours as long as it's not an automatic in which case we can do it in 6 and a half hours.................right Terry?