Side draft carb and accelerator pedal mount


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Corning NY
Hello fellow E3ers!
I need your help in getting some answers for two things:

1) accelerator pedal mount- my mounting nubs are broken off so my pedal can move side to side. I was searching for the new mount but only could find one for the 2002s. Has anyone found any source for the mounting plate repair kit? Or knows if 2002 plate would work?

2) side draft carb- Currently I have a Dual Weber 32/36 for which my rear carb doesn’t seem to work properly (sticky valve and not fully closing), rather than monkeying with the set up, I was looking to see if it’s possible to get dual side draft to replace my current one. Triple setup is too costly for my budget. Has anyone tried dual side draft carb?


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There is no M30 manifold that will allow 2 sidedrafts for 6 cylinders. The advantage of 3 vs 2 sidedrafts is that with 3, each cylinder is fed by one barrel. You are better off either rebuilding your 32/36's or swapping them for 38's, or going back to original Zeniths which imho outperform the 32/36's.
I would recommend the "monkeying around" action. Any new carburettor choice you decide upon, will require significant fettling as well. As many of us soon learn, dreams of a new set of 2 or 3 carbs gets pretty costly. You can take those 32/36s apart and rebuild them yourself, economically, and after you re-install your clean, rebuilt Webers, you will learn the simple 2-screw set-up for these carbs. It is a very rewarding exercise, and you can then move on to the "next" issue. ;)