Side trim


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Auckland, New Zealand
Hello all,

Has any one gone down the road of re finishing the alloy trim on the side of the car??
Mine are bright anodized alloy (standard ?), has any one had this striped of and re done succsessfully?? someone has suggested that I chrome them, but I think the heat involved will distort and twist them.
Any thoughts??

I dechromed my racecar ,so i have most of the trim in good condition the shipping may be too expensive but its here for cheap 805-368-5857 california
I`we restored all side trim once with aluminium-tape. Turned out great! Not too many curves and the tape is strechable. When the tape on i spendt a lot of time polishing to make it shiny and then a couple of layers with clear-coat.
Now,two years later it still looks nice! :) Veeeery cheap :p
Belt Trim

As my car is being repainted I just went through this. I never realized how bad my trim was. After a lot of discussion with members on this board, I went with polishing ($200) and a ceramic clear coat ($175). This is not a powder coat or a clear paint, it is relatively new. Speedway in Santa Ana, CA did the work and it looks spectacular. One rear side trim is $250 from the dealer.