Some pictures from "over the pond"

Mister Chinn--tis time to read the history of BMW

The car in question is a 507--one of the most beautiful BMW's or other cars ever designed and built--a piece of automotive art created in the 1950's--and today whenever they become available for sale--now in the neighborhood of $500K US. Built from 1957-1961--only a total of 253 were made--all aluminum V-8 power of around 160 HP, fully independent suspension, roadster with hard top and very expensive at the time--

Designed by Albrect Goertz of NYC-a German industrial designer transplant to the USA of some reputation for his work that Max Hoffman--the then exclusive Importer Distributor of BMW's--and virtually every other European car that was to find its way to these shores--commissioned to pen the car--what a result--and was the first BMW that I had ever seen and rode in--in 1958--chauffered to work one morning by a co-worker friend at Chrysler who had "borrowed" the car--from his bother who worked in Ford's special engineering department--Ford had bought one to evaluate its engineering--have you noticed any similarity between the 507 design and that of the Ford Cobras of the 1960's?---hhhmmmm

In 1996--when BMW was the honored marque at the annual Monterey Historics there were 6 of them in attendance--and joined by Albrect Goertz in attendance--the designer was then almost 80 years of age--he was a charming man and graciously agreed to sign the inside of the glove box door of any attendees 507 that so desired his autograph--wonder if that has any added value to a nice 507 today--I would suspect so..

My suggestion to you and others new to the marque--get a couple of good books covering the history of the Company just to be aware of its significance in aviation, marine, automotive, racing, bicycles and utensils.
Re: Mister Chinn--tis time to read the history of BMW

Built from 1957-1961--only a total of 253 were made

DISCLAIMER: not ranting at Blumax, just ranting in general here.

Ok, I've seen the number produced go from 253 to 255. Also, the years go from a low of 1955 to (now a new high) 1961. Based off of reading BMW books and BMW Websites (not fan sites).

What's the story here? I'm quite tired of seeing these numbers fluctate like this. Thanks in advance!
Since it's important to be precise!

My reference source is from: "BMW A History" by Halwart Schrader-translated and adapted by Ron Wakefield--copyright 1979 Princeton Publishing Inc., Pages 182-183.

BMW 507 1956-1959

Period of production: 1956-1959 Sorry for exaggerating the number of years produced--in the 50 years since production started a few facts do get fuzzy from memory.

Units produced: 253 Ok I did remember that one!

Hope my former error doesn't negatively affect the value of your 507 (;>)
Re: Since it's important to be precise!

My reference source is from: "BMW A History" by Halwart Schrader-translated and adapted by Ron Wakefield--copyright 1979 Princeton Publishing Inc., Pages 182-183.

BMW 507 1956-1959

Period of production: 1956-1959 Sorry for exaggerating the number of years produced--in the 50 years since production started a few facts do get fuzzy from memory.

Units produced: 253 Ok I did remember that one!

Hope my former error doesn't negatively affect the value of your 507 (;>)

Case Closed! Thank you! :D


Wish I had a 507 to be "effected." :wink: