Sonoma California Auto-X (gymkhana) racing - CHEAP!


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Santa Rosa, Sonoma wine country USA
The Empire Sports Car Assoc has a series of autocross races this summer at the Sonoma County Airport for only $30/race if you would like to come. The catch is that you have to attend one meeting first and join for $40, and any spectators must also be members for insurance reasons (one spin-out took out the timing equipment last time). Meetings are on Tuesday nights. Next meeting is June 5, next race is June 16. I think there are only 2 E9s in the club right now, with only one being raced. I would like to have another E9 to compete with!

Auto-X is timed racing against the clock one-at-a-time around cones at a short but intricate race course at the airport - no chance of damage or injury. Everybody got 6 runs in last time. High adrenaline!

Photos and info at:

Meetings are at 8:00PM at the Round Table Pizza one driveway east (left) of the Hwy 101 Steele Lane exit, behind The Men's Warehouse (its not as elegant or sexy as it sounds) :D

If you want to come, call me and let me know. Except for the next one on June 16 (niece's graduation ceremony day) I can offer lodging for 1-2 couples with wine and potluck dinner.
-Keith B 707-576-7250