squeaking seats

You bet.
In fact I have been bothered by this during the last 2 weeks when I have covered 1,300 miles with one of my CSi cars. Yesterday I folded the drivers seat forward and squirted WD-40 on/into all moving parts which are easily seen when the seat is folded. Moved the back of the seat back and forth and shortly afterwards all the squeaks were gone!
Some grease on the seat runners help too.
An additional effect was the ease with which the lever for folding the back now works. Again, my seats probably hadn´t had any lubrication for the last 30 years or so.
Your seats still don't have any lubrication. WD-40 is not a lubricant. Now that everything is free, squirt some lubricant in there before they sieze up again. I like the Mobile 1 spray.

Per Michael B, I used spray lithium grease which worked like a charm on the squeaks from the hinge assemblies but I still hear squeaks from the drivers seat just below shoulder height.
Musical seats?

I am reluctant to suggest this given the emphasis on sliding surfaces, bases or pivot points, but here goes.

If your seat(s) is/are original horse-hair-padded affairs, there may be nothing you can do short of disassembling them to find the source of the music. As the padding decomposes (loses its hair) it leaves behind a wire framework that has no insulation, thus the noise. This can happen with most seats that have internal springs not unlike that old sofa with the protruding springs! I recall trying to find a similar problem. While everyone thought the sound was in the car, the squeak turned out to be a loose muffler bracket.

My point is that not all noises are what they seem.