Steering Box Adjustment? Access?


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On left hand drive vehicles, the placement of the GIGANTIC brake booster makes "meaningful" adjustment of the steering box less than easy. (It seems as though each time I look at the booster it keeps getting bigger, therein preventing my fiddling with steering box adjustment nut/screw.) In the distant past, I was able to fit a thin wrench over the nut and slide a suitable tool into the screw head slot to position the screw. Fortunately, unlike other steering boxes, these have rarely needed adjusting.

Just wondering, what do you folks (especially with larger limbs) commonly do to access the adjustment, suffer or pull the brake booster?

Thanks in advance.
Thanks for the response. Funny thing is the two examples I have to work on probably have less than 1" of clearance between booster and adjustment screw. I tried using an offset to no avail. Instead, I have used a flathead screwdriver that I ground down on one side. I have even resorted to using the flattened shank of a jeweler's screwdriver for the same purpose.

I did not mean to suggest the adjustment could not be accomplished without removing the booster. Rather, I just find it extremely awkward.

Consider that some E9 and E3 owners reportedly remove the four-bolt oil filter housing from the block rather than removing just the canister. Again, I was exploring for a simpler means of attacking an awkward (for me) task.