Steering column cover repair suggestions and 3D prints


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I'm looking for help on how to best repair the covers in the picture. My first guess is to go with JB Weld but if there is a known good way I prefer not to experiment. Has anyone tried epoxy or fiberglass to repair these covers? Can they be welded?


I've been working on a few 3D print parts and have 2 to share. There is a Weber 32/26 synchro adapter and an E3 style fuse block. All files can be found at


Cool 3d stuff.

For the alu part of the steering column, i would probably buy a used one. I doubt it'll be more then 45 usd/euro.

Even fiberglassing /JB weld is not without cost, and it takes some effort to get something that will shapewise fit. but still it will be very visible, as it doesn't have the right texture.
Speaking of these aluminum steering column covers, how are they held together? Mine has the halves separating and I can't figure it out.
Speaking of these aluminum steering column covers, how are they held together? Mine has the halves separating and I can't figure it out.
The bottom part is fixed to the top with 4 screws.
Finally noticed the third hole (it's an E12), which was sort of hidden behind the telescoping adjustment lever - that took care of the problem. Thanks for the pointer - I hadn't noticed any of them yet and assumed the halves were held together with clips.
i found mine and sent pics to Frank -

in looking at the pic, it looks like somebody also cut the top (fixed) panel. that of course is a much harder piece to replace (and find). would have to be from somebody who parted a coupe and removed the column. i can't think of anyway to fix that except possibly gluing a piece of shaped metal to the inside and using body filler - then refinishing it. wouldn't be as good as replacing it, but would fill the hole.