stINKA csl clone

Missing VIN plate ?

Call me crazy but isn't the VIN plate cut away in the pass. side engine compartment jpg? It looks gone!
Re: Missing VIN plate ?

Call me crazy but isn't the VIN plate cut away in the pass. side engine compartment jpg? It looks gone!

Well spotted that man!
Plus the bonnet (hood) is incorrect it should just have a stay, not the hinged bonnet support.
and to quote for the Ebay ad.....
Up for bid is a really nice BMW 3.0 CSI that has been cloned into a true CSL......
Its the the use of the word true that gets me worried. I have no problem converting a car from one spec to another, but if you expect a large amount of cash for a car you would expect it to be done "right"

Chopping out the VIN number is "well dodgy". If such a car came up for sale in the UK I would walk away, concluding that it has

a... Been nicked
b... cloned
c... used to "create" another car
d... It would be very difficult to register and would creat a lot of interest from the local police :shock:

just my 2 pence worth